树葆简介(brief introduction of shu bao) -尊龙登录issuing time:2018-12-06 22:08 “树葆”也称“植物葆青罐”,是由本公司董事长赵树海发明,已获得国家专利,并申请了国际专利。本发明的原理是:用塑料布收集雨水,通过下水管流入植物根部的蓄水桶内,水分通过网罩蒸发到土壤中,在长期无雨干旱时期保持土壤水分,从而保证植物存活。如果看到水位指示杆降到底了,说明4个月没下雨了,植物面临死亡。补充一矿泉水瓶的水(500毫升)就可以让植物再存活1-2个月,等到下雨后植物就会茁壮成长。为干旱、沙漠地区种植经济植物提供了技术手段。 ”shbao”,also known as “device for ensuring the survival of plants”,was invented by zhao shuhai,chairman of the company,and has obtained a national patent and applied for an international patent. the principle of the invention is that rain water is collected with plastic sheeting and flowing into the water storage barrel at the plant root through the downwater pipe, water evaporates into the soil through (bucket in the shape of a breathable net) to keep the soil moisture during the long per iod of no rain and drought,so as to ensure the survival of plants.if you see the water lever indicator rod fall to the bottom.which means it hasn’t rained for four months.the plant faces death add a mineral bottle of water (500ml)to keep the plant alive for another 1-2 months,and when it rains,the plant will thrive.it provides technical means for planting economic plants in arid and desert areas. 想了解更多,请微信扫描下方的二维码 运城清海科技有限公司 地址:运城市盐湖工业园区科技创新大厦708号 |
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