绝缘子风力清扫环简介(wind-尊龙登录issuing time:2018-12-07 21:42 “绝缘子风力清扫环”(pct/cn02/00393)已广泛使用,本产品接触风力不断对绝缘子进行清扫,可以极大限度的杜绝污闪事故发生。应用场所涉及发电厂、变电站、输电线路、铁路接触网的各类盘型绝缘子、棒形绝缘子、支柱绝缘子、复合绝缘子、变压器、互感器、避雷器套管等。本专利可扩展为一种新产品:“风力自洁型绝缘子”。 "wind—drivencleaning ring on insulators" (pct/cn02/00393) which can cleaninsulators constantly with the wind and prevent ollutionflashover accident to the most has been used widely.it' s available for many applications like: disc insulator, rod insulator, composite insulator, transformer, inductor, arresters casing on the power plant, substation, transmission line,railway contact net . this invention can be extended for a new product-"wind-driven self—cleaning insulators ". 想了解更多,请微信扫描下方的二维码 运城清海科技有限公司 地址:运城市盐湖工业园区科技创新大厦708号 |
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